Category: Blogs

Backup power system. How much is enough?

Choosing the right backup power system for your home can be complicated and expensive. Furthermore, a backup power system is a grudge purchase because Eskom should fulfil consumers’ power needs.  There seems no way around it, and being productive means making short-term sacrifices for long-term gains. Choosing the correct equipment and configuration is paramount to…
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Online platforms we use and highly recommend

Online platforms and tools have improved the rate at which things get done. Mostly, they are reasonably priced compared to the efficiency they provide, which positively impacts productivity in our personal and business lives. Artificial intelligence is becoming more easily adopted and depended on by the human race. However, the tech adoption rate mustn’t be…
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Gaming chairs in South Africa ranked

The argument for owning a high-quality gaming chair Gaming chairs are worth the investment for those diehards spending copious amounts of time wearing down their remote control thumb pads or the bearings in their mouse wheel. So, we have gaming chairs in South Africa ranked at the end of this article to assist with the…
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VOIP. The meaning and function.

What is VOIP? VOIP, voice over internet protocol, is a digital phone system using a fibre internet connection to make and receive phone calls subsequently turning traditional landline phones into dinosaurs.  With a fibre internet connection, making phone calls without legacy telecommunication services like Telkom is super easy with the right VOIP service provider.  How…
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Self-sovereign identity is a data privacy game changer

Lives get increasingly linked to apps, online services, and devices used to access a world of products and shared experiences. Without reservation millions of users interact with each other and businesses in ways not imaginable just a few decades ago. As a result online profiles where personal information is shared get created currently not reflecting…
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Blockchain. The future of technology

Blockchain. The future of technology.

What is blockchain? The blockchain was almost exclusively referred to when discussing topics of cryptocurrency. However, this genius tech is not limited to creating crypto millionaires overnight but instead has become the bedrock for the future digital economy, including decentralised financial services. Blockchain is an immutable, decentralised ledger that records transactions across a peer-to-peer network.…
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Vuma and why we love working with them

Fibre to the home (FTTH) Fibre internet gets delivered to homes with fibre optic cable from an underground trench or above-ground pole. Thereafter, from the pole or trench, a fibre pair is delivered into your home and is called Fibre-to-the-Home (FTTH). Vuma delivers the cable into homes and partner with RocketNet to get customers WiFi…
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What social networks get used for

The definition of what social networks are is using web-based social media platforms that keep users connected with friends, family, work colleagues and customers. People can use social networks for a social reason, a business purpose, or both. Social media elements include photos and videos generated by users of the platform shared across multiple networks…
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What are virtual private networks and making the best of them

What are virtual private networks and making the best of them

In its simplest form, virtual private networks allow internet users to establish a protected connection when using public or at-home fibre internet. What virtual private networks do is encrypt internet traffic and mask online identities. This masking makes it difficult for third parties to track a user’s activity while connected and prevents data theft. The…
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Six internet user stereotypes. Which one are you

Six internet user stereotypes. Which one are you?

There are many reasons for using the internet, but only a few types of internet users. Below we unpack six internet user stereotypes of varying habits and how and why they use the internet. Let us know if you identify with any of the below stereotypes.  1. The Infinite Scroller Psychologists use a device called…
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